Disclaimer: Books open Minds to new Worlds and Ideas. If you believe in censuring, banning books, or just plain hate anything outside your social 'norm', hit the 'next blog' button above and move on.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Amazon the Publisher, Publishers the E-tailers

To start the ball rolling...

Interesting little blurb from Publisher's Weekly about the monumental changes taking place in the publishing world. The big publishing houses and book retailers are scrambling to keep their brick and mortar houses from being smashed into beach sand by Amazon. Amazon, however, is managing to keep several steps ahead of the mad dash as the book and publishing worlds enter a new Era.



I'm an avid reader with eclectic tastes in books ranging from fact to fiction. I tend to read Sci-fi/Fantasy, but also venture into anthropology, science, and the classics (but NOT Steinbeck and his contemporaries!).

I should mention that I'm dyslexic, so while I love reading, it can be slow going at times depending on the reading level.

My goal here is to get at least one review a month. I would like to emphasize books with glbt and other queer characters, but given my tastes that won't always be the case. If anyone would like to add a review I would gladly accept it; except maybe reviews of erotica because, let's face it, most erotica is poorly written, has no plot, and only one purpose.

Reading and discussing books is fun, but not everyone agrees as to what constitutes a good book. I HATE Steinbeck, Hemingway, and their contemporaries. Don't like the style of write, the subjects, etc. That said, however, I won't criticize someone who happens to like a particular author. Reviews will be open for discussion, however, I would ask that respect be shown to all posters and if you like or dislike a book to please explain your position. Saying "I liked Dune" or "I hated Of Mice and Men" does little to advance the discussion. Flaming and name-calling will NOT be tolerated.

From time to time I may post links to various news stories regarding books or the book industry. It's interesting how the publishing world is changing from hard copy to e-books and Print-on-Demand. As I figure out how Blogger works, I'll see if I can get some other links, lists, suggestions, etc. on here.

Hope to see y'all.